Class: | Mammalia |
Order: | Primates |
Family: | Callitrichidae |
Size: | Length: 8 to 13 inches (20 to 33 cm) |
Weight: | 1 to 2 pounds (0.45 to 0.9 kg) |
Diet: | Insects, small birds, eggs, fruit and vegetables |
Distribution: | Brazil |
Young: | 1 to 3, once per year |
Animal Predators: | Birds of prey |
IUCN Status: | Critically Endangered |
Terms: | No special terms |
Lifespan: | Up to 15 years in the wild and over 30 years in captivity |
· Antonio Pigafetta, who travelled with Magellan in the 1500s, described them as “beautiful simian-like cats similar to a small lion.”
· The golden lion tamarin is one of the most endangered of all primates.
The weight
of males increases in May before breeding and decreases during June and July.
· Adult golden lion tamarins of the same sex are very aggressive with each other.
Golden lion tamarins are small monkeys that are covered in golden fur, with a lion-like mane around their face, which is bare. They have a long, fur-covered tail and long fingers on their fore and hind paws.
Their diet consists of insects, small birds, eggs, fruit and vegetables. With their long, slender fingers they can pick insects out of crevices within tree bark.
Golden lion
tamarins are
monogamous and stay with the same mate for life.
Golden lion tamarins are social little primates that live in groups of two to eight, usually made up of close family members—a mother, father and offspring. Golden lion tamarins prefer to remain high up in trees, and are able to leap and jump from branch to branch with great agility and speed, using both their fore and hind limbs. When on the ground, they walk on all fours. They sleep from dusk to dawn and often have a midday nap. They are active by day and require vitamin D from sunlight, although too much direct sunlight can be harmful. They sleep at night in a hollow tree in a fur-lined nest. Like other primates, golden lion tamarins groom themselves and each other, with males grooming females more often than the other way around. They communicate with each other using soft, faint vocalizations or, when they become alarmed or frightened, squeals.
Golden lion tamarins nearly became extinct in the 1960s due to the destruction of their habitat and because they were being captured for the pet trade in massive numbers, as well as for research. They are highly susceptible to human diseases and when in zoos, have glass between them and visitors to protect them. Captive breeding programs in the U.S. and Europe have led to the release of several golden lion tamarins back into the wild in recent years.$narrative.html
Golden Lion Tamarin Wildlife Fact File, IM Pub, US